What Are the Risks of Not Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If the thought of undergoing oral surgery makes you anxious, you may look for reasons to delay or avoid it. Oral surgeons often recommend having wisdom teeth extracted during the teens or early 20s before they develop long, hard roots and have the chance to cause complications. This third set of molars does not always need to be removed immediately, but there can be consequences to putting off surgery.
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Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Out If They Are Not Causing Any Pain?

Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to emerge, typically arriving during the mid to late teens or early twenties. More often than not, they erupt at an angle, become stuck under the gums, or do not have adequate space to emerge. In rare cases, they grow in straight and fit nicely into the space at the back of the jaw. If they are not causing you any pain or discomfort, you may wonder if it is even worthwhile to undergo surgery for removal.
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What Foods Can You Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After wisdom teeth removal, your diet will be limited. But you might be struggling to think of nutritious and filling food you can eat while you heal. We have created a list of healthy—and tasty—foods that offer lots of variety as you recover. Keep reading as we explain which foods to avoid and why.
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