How does bone grafting play a role in the dental implant process?

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Do I Have Enough Bone for Dental Implants?

One of the prerequisites for dental implants is that you have sufficient bone mass in your jaw, providing a stable way to anchor the implants in place.

When you have a tooth extracted, and the walls of the socket are very thick, they will often naturally fill with bone in just a couple of months. When the walls of the socket are quite thin, however, then the healing process may not be quite as predictable. In these situations, it may be necessary to have a bone graft performed, ensuring that the socket has sufficient bone material for dental restoration.

02 Inadequate Bone MintoBoneGraftingIcons 011322

1. Inadequate Bone

03 Material Placed MintoBoneGraftingIcons 011322

2. Graft Material Placed

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2. Implants Placed

Bone grafting can also be necessary if you had your tooth extracted many years ago, without having an implant put in to replace it. Without the stimulation from a tooth root, the jawbone tends to atrophy, which means your bone may deteriorate over time. Again, this is something that can usually be addressed via bone grafting, a surgical procedure that involves the regeneration of bone tissue in the area where it is most needed.

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1. Inadequate Bone

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2. Graft Material and Implants Placed

Finally, you may require bone grafting if you have especially large sinus cavities, if the sinus cavities are very low, or if the sinus cavities impose on the tooth-bearing areas. Again, this tends to be most common among patients who had teeth extracted many years ago, without prompt treatment or replacement.

Bone grafting can usually be performed in the office with local anesthesia, sometimes coupled with IV sedation. Bone is added in an area where it will serve as steady support for dental implants, while also helping to prevent further bone loss or unwanted facial changes. Much of the time, bone grafting can be performed at the same time as dental implant placement.

Schedule Your Consultation

Contact Minto Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Fairhope, AL at (251) 990-5959 to schedule your consultation.