Preserving Your Jaw Bone After Extraction

Preserving Your Jawbone After Extraction
Tooth extraction may be necessary due to infection, traumatic injury, or simple dental neglect. Disease and infection of a tooth can often result in damage to the socket or the bone that holds the tooth in place. In turn, this can lead to the jaw becoming deformed after tooth extraction and the surrounding bone and gums shrinking and receding. If you want to avoid unwanted changes to your facial appearance, it is important to take proper steps to preserve your jaw bone.
These jaw deformities can be prevented or repaired through a process known as socket preservation. Not only does socket preservation improve the aesthetics of your smile, but it can also make you a better candidate for dental restoration via implants.
There are several different surgical techniques that can be used. Often, the best approach is to remove the tooth then fill the socket with either bone or bone substitute. The tooth can then be covered in the gum tissue, which promotes natural healing. This generation of bone tissue can provide a place for dental implants to be anchored later.
Any time you are having a tooth extracted, it is a good idea to ask your oral surgeon or dentist about the need for socket preservation.